Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Baseline Journal: An Historical Account of the Survivors

The discovery of the so-called "Baseline Journal" is undoubtedly the most important development in recent years with regards to the famed Ghost Fleet and the Vengeance War.  Surprisingly, the documents were found archived in a private citizen's unencrypted email account on Ancora. The email account had not been accessed in over 75 years, and ongoing investigations are attempting to identify the owner of the account and their connection to the Survivors.

The author of the journal is self-identified as Dr. Julie Campero, a botanist on the International Colony Ship (ICS) Hope of Peace. Her own account in the journal indicates that shortly after the surviving colonists began to come out of coldsleep, Captain Samuel Matthews ordered her to keep a detailed record of the colonists' experiences on her personal datapad. Dr. Campero offers no further explanation as to why she was instructed to record such vital information on something as fragile as a datapad; however, at a later point she does detail the extensive damage done to the Hope of Peace, making it reasonable to assume that a lack of functioning equipment on the ship and the survivors' rapid and forced evacuation from the Hope of Peace necessitated the use of a simple datapad.

Dr. Campero, a native of Canada1, wrote the journal in English2. The process of translating the journal into Galspek is ongoing, but excerpts of the journal will be released to the public nets (as specified by the PanTerran Senate in Special Legislative Recommendation 178.4432.2).
1. A large Old Earth nation located on the North American continent.
2. An Old Earth language of the West Germanic family, along with Chinese, Spanish and Freespek.

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